Bringing Positive Psychology into the Workplace I Positive Wellbeing Psychology

What is a workplace Psychologist?

A workplace psychologist works with employees to manage a variety of issues that affect wellbeing and mental health. Most jobs will involve some increased stress at some point of time. This may be due to a range of factors either within the workplace or outside pressures. Speaking to a psychologist experienced in workplace stress allows you to improve your mental health and wellbeing within the workplace. At Positive Wellbeing Psychology, one of our professional and highly skilled psychologist will adopt a range of evidence-based techniques and strategies to help difficulties and struggles within the workplace whilst improving your motivation and performance levels.

Research has found high levels of occupational stress can often result in significant problems for an individual's health. This results in increasing ones’ risk of anxiety and mood-related problems. It is important to talk to a psychologist when feeling increased levels of stress and anxiety to ensure strategies are applied early on to manage mental health and wellbeing. The research has indicated better clinical outcome when reaching out earlier compared to delaying the process of talking to an experienced psychologist.

Signs you may benefit from talking to a workplace psychologist?

● Experiencing uncertainty around responsibilities, job dissatisfaction, poor time management, difficulties   in managing conflicting roles within an organization, or uncertainty about career growth within the   company.

● Finding that you have not progressed in your career or being passed up for a job promotion.

● Feeling lack of job security.

● Limited resources or support to attain standards, or experiencing poor support from management.

● Experiencing interpersonal difficulty, conflict, harassment, discrimination or bullying.

●Struggling with organizational restructures.

● Experiencing office politics that interferes with your performance or makes you feel uncomfortable.

● Ongoing pressure to work or check emails outside of your normal work hours.

● Noticing poor physical conditions, safety issues, unrealistic deadlines, long hours, or an unmanageable workload within the workplace.

● Struggling with external stressors including long driving commutes, sleep difficulties, relationship breakdown, caring responsibilities, juggling study, or an internship.

How workplace psychologists can help?

A workplace psychologist usually works with employees to overcome work-related and personal issues that may affect workplace attitudes, performance, productivity, and personal wellbeing.

Our Melbourne-based psychologists at Positive Wellbeing Psychology provide solution-focused counselling and coaching for employees with personal and work-related issues. Conveniently our services are delivered via video conference with after hours and weekends sessions available

How Positive Wellbeing Psychology can help?

Our Melbourne psychologists are skilled in a range of therapies that can assist with workplace stress. Our complimentary matching service is conducted by our principal psychologist for every client to ensure you are matched to the best psychologist suited to your individual needs and therapy goals. 

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